Stay Informed

about that cricket match
about that stock you purchased
on latest fashion trends
about electric vehicles evolution
about the political landscape
about that cricket match
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Read News Effortlessly!

Stay effortlessly informed with Riple's easy to read news and trends. The news stories are crafted in a way that delivers the core message and keeps you in the loop with everyday news from all over the world on the go. It lets you maximize your time and minimize your efforts by giving you News in a Nutshell. Make staying updated and informed like a breeze!

All Matter - No Clutter!

Be it entertainment industry gossip or current affairs topics, with Riple’s brand new app discover any type of news in one place. The customised feed makes it easier to digest news and presents stories according to your preference. Download and see the difference!

Hand Picked News - Just For You

Riple’s media-tech AI familiarises itself with your interests and reading preferences delivering content that fits you perfectly. Its smart AI algorithm produces customised content like no other. Find out your next favourite stories with carefully selected recommendations that are tailored to your interests!

Become a Micro Journalist

Turn your local news into global headlines just sitting at home. Share hot topics and top stories from your community to a global audience and watch them enthral. Your neighbourhood scoop could be tomorrow's big story!